Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018


Hello my friends, welcome on my blog  🙌 🙌

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang Supporting Sentence. Apa sih Supporting Sentence itu? pasti banyak dari kalian yang sudah pernah mendengarnya tetapi belum mengetahui dengan jelas tentang supporting sentence ini kan ? Oke kalau begitu langsung saja kita bahas ya !

What Is Supporting Sentence ?

Supporting sentence merupakan sebuah kalimat yang dirangkai dengan tujuan untuk memperjelas topic sentence ( ide pokok ). Kehadiran supporting sentence juga tidak kalah pentingnya dengan topic sentence dan selalu ditempatkan tepat setelah topic sentence.

Use supporting sentences to provide evidence, examples and other details to support your topic sentence.
Supporting sentences usually have one of the following functions :
  • they provide specific and factual details.
  • they explain important terms.
  • they support the point made in the topic sentence, often with a quotation or a paraphrase.
  • give examples to illustrate the point made in the topic sentence.
  • they may summarise what has been said so far, particularly towards the end of the paragraph.

Thank you for visiting my blog. See you next time 👋👋

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